Action Alert:

We need your voice today.

Help protect Virginia's largest sea bird colony.

Two black and white Royal Terns on the beach with background out of focus.

Friend of the Forest,

Wild Virginia sent a letter to Governor Northam's office today urging him to take action to protect Virginia's seabirds. 

We are calling on you to add your voice!

At the same time that North America has lost 1 out of every 4 birds, the Hampton Roads Tunnel is in the process of being expanded. Part of that project included paving over South Island which was critical habitat for a host of seabirds. According to the American Bird Conservancy, unless we take action quickly to create new habitat for these displaced birds, "more than 20,000 Royal Terns and other waterbirds will return to the Hampton Roads area this spring to find they have nowhere to nest."

Don't miss this chance

Please sign Wild Virginia's petition today to tell Governor Northam you care about our declining bird populations and expect him to act quickly to protect the birds we have left.

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Contact Us

Wild Virginia
PO Box 1065

Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
