Friend of the forest,

Once again, Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is asking federal regulators for a slew of new permits. But without permit approvals, the pipeline will never be completed. We continue to insist that agencies do their jobs to stop this unneeded project and prevent further destruction, by denying the permits.

FERC License Extension Request

One federal permit MVP needs is from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). You can help oppose approval by FERC! On June 29th, FERC issued a public notice, soliciting comments on MVP's request for a 4-year extension of its permit.

Please submit comments by 5:00pm on July 14, 2022, to oppose this extension

MVP is asking for extra time to finish its disastrous project, because our success in court challenges means the company will miss its October 2022 deadline for completion. We believe we can stop the project once and for all. Even partners in the venture have admitted that there is "a very low probability of pipeline completion", yet the lead proponents desperately continue to push forward. We can't let up now.

Points you can make in your comments:

  • MVP has done great damage, polluting streams and harming communities along its path. This record is a warning of future threats that must not be allowed.
  • Renewable energy sources are more common and affordable. Projects like MVP are unnecessary and the company's prior justifications, from 2020, are way out of date.
  • The effects of climate change become more obvious and the threats more dire every day. Stopping this pipeline is one urgent step in slowing global warming.  
  • Describe your connections with the natural areas and waters at risk with further construction of MVP. Tell FERC you want these places preserved and protected.

To help you file comments, you can click on the buttons below to get more suggestions and assistance:


Read Wild Virginia’s blog post to learn more about these recent MVP developments. 

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434-971-1553 |

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